Thursday 24 April 2008

The who (and why) of poo, thats a strange domain isn't it?? Well it depends, on your view of things.
The name itself specifically referes to white dog poo, which if you grew up in the U.K. during the 80's you would have seen on any path you happended across.
Before you ask, I have no idea why dog poo was white in those days perhaps it was something to do with the popularity of a particluar bread of dog or something???

Anyway one merry evening lots of years later a small group of friends decided perhaps we should have that name and decide what to do with it later anyway add a few more years to that and here we are! Simple really.

Sooo to recap a quick equation:
((Memories of white chalky fecal matter + Drink) * More Drink) + £10 (to register domain) =

Hope that clears up the name.
